
Upcoming lustrum concerts: 30 November and 6 December 2024

This year, the WSKOV (Wageningen Student Choir and Orchestra Association) celebrates its 105th anniversary!

We celebrate this with a series of concerts under the lustrum theme “Echoes of Nature.” For this special occasion, the choir and orchestra have collaborated on the grand piece Messa di Gloria by Giacomo Puccini, conducted by Dennis Broeders, to deliver a beautiful performance. Additionally, the orchestra, conducted by Frank Adams, will perform the Violin Concerto by Max Bruch.

We look forward to seeing you at the final concert of our lustrum year!


Location: MCO, Hilversum

Time: 19.00


€12,00 for students
€22,00 for non-students

The ticket price includes a drink during the break.

NOTE: Do you want to buy a ticket and are you a student? Then buy a youth ticket, even if you are over 18! A youth ticket costs 12 euros.



Buy your ticket here


Location: Junushoff, Wageningen

Time: 20.00


€10,00 for students

€20,00 for non-students




Our past Lustrum Concerts

Echoes of Nature
105 jaar WSKOV

Last 7 & 8 June the WSKOV gave their wonderful Lustrum concerts at the Stevenskerk in Nijmegen and Junushoff Wageningen. Pictures are available via our social media channels (found below or via the homepage).

This winter we will resume our Echoes of Nature project with two more winter concerts. More info will be published around September!


2024 will mark the 105th birthday of the WSKOV, and because of that we will have a special lustrum programm in the theme ‘Echoes of Nature’. We will look at the echoes of our past and shape our future to support nature.

As our music echoes in the churches during our concerts, so does our history echo throughout Wageningen. 105 years of students in the domain of natural sciences making music calls for a celebration.

Our members can look forward to a party with the other student orchestras of the Netherlands, a day full of masterclasses, a day to relive the past with former members, and a gala to top it all off.


We celebrated the start of our lustrum on the 25th of January together with Wageningen University & Research with a special concert on campus. You can see the poster below.

With our new repetoire you can also experience the magic of “Echoes of Nature”


View our complete repertoire here!


