Join the Reunion Day!

Good news, this season we celebrate our 105th anniversary which also comes with a reunion day. It will take place on the 6th of July, 2024. For more information and signing up, click here!

Join us! Open rehearsals in September!

Open Rehearsals 10 & 17 September Orion 19:30

Just walk in or send an email to for more info!

2024 will mark the 105th birthday of the WSKOV, and because of that we will have a special lustrum programm in the theme ‘Echoes of Nature’. We will look at the echoes of our past and shape our future to support nature.

As our music echoes in the churches during our concerts, so does our history echo throughout Wageningen. 105 years of students in the domain of natural sciences making music calls for a celebration.

Last season we kicked off with a day full of masterclasses, a day to relive the past with former members but we are not done yet! We will have two amazing winter concerts and a gala to top it all off!

You can also experience the magic of “Echoes of Nature” by joining in!

Open rehearsals 10 & 17 September 2024 | 19:30  | Orion (Bronland 1)
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Our last highlights

No music without conductors…

Meet Dennis and Frank!

Dennis Broeders

Choir conductor

More about Dennis!

Frank Adams

Orchestra conductor

More about Frank!
Wageningen Student Choir and Orchestra Association and…

Van Uven Foundation

Prof. dr. M.J. Van Uven (1878 – 1959) was a professor in Mathematics who founded the Wageningen Student Orchestra in 1919 and the Wageningen Student Choir in 1945. In 1947, the choir and orchestra were united into the Wageningen Student Choir and Orchestra Association. Professor Van Uven conducted the choir until 1954 and the orchestra until December 1957. He also funded the important materials to let the orchestra function by buying instruments and sheet music. The collection was later on managed by the Prof. Van Uven Foundation. Currently, The Van Uven Foundation holds several strings and uncommon winds instruments in trust. As a student, you can borrow these. Please mail to for more Information.


Get to know our board!

Carolin Ellerkamp (Chair) Eline Loos (Secretary) Diederik van Langen (Treasurer) Emilia Pinkse (Orchestra manager) Yaralisa Laban (Choir manager) Hylke Willemsen (Promotion & Acquisition) Get to know more about your board!

Thanks to our dear Sponsors
